Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Corporatocracy will eat itself!

It should hardly come as a surprise that the U.S economy is dangerously close to reaping the emptiness it has sown around the world for the last seventy years or so.Big Yank money lenders move into a third world country and offer all sorts of seemingly unattainable dreams along with the requisite cash loans to finance the lauded 'march to development':-The biggest usurer the world has ever known-The World Bank-offers to lend the money to build airports,roads,hydroelectric plants and various other infrastructure essential to U.S. corporate interests,whilst simultaneously making it conditional that said contracts be awarded to massive U.S. construction firms.Net result is that the money doesnt even leave the states-it's transferred from New York directly to huge seppo construction firms in San Fran or Houston,who then move into the third world region and start work.The reality is that these firms end up owing the world bank nothing,while the impoverished nation itself is indebted to the world bank to such an outrageous extent that repayments are defaulted on within a handful of years(the sooner the better for the lender).Thats when the yanks move in and exact their pound of flesh-access to natural resources,forced acceptance of construction of oil pipelines and a whole array of other indignities ranging from supporting the U.S unquestioningly in U.N voting procedures to allowing military bases to be built on their doorstep....
......and so the cycle of poverty strengthens as it continues.We are led to believe that all economic growth is good for humanity whilst at the same time swallowing the bullshit that impoverished masses need to be exploited for our present and their future good.BULLSHIT!Of every $100 received from oil sales in Ecuador,only $2.50 is ever seen by the local peoples whose sweat has built the infrastructure,whose water is no longer potable because of rivers being dammed for electricity and the dumping of toxic waste,and whose daily income is less than $2.00.(see-Confessions of an Economic Hitman-John Perkins.)No money for schools or hospitals-nada.
Don't believe the bullshit!We are being tricked every minute of the day into thinking that we must consume consume consume because we deserve to exploit the poor nations of the earth so that we can construct a better world.We simply cant treat eachother like that! All empires crash eventually.We'll all be fucked when the rivers run dry.


Anonymous said...

i agree 100% duffy!
the modern day substitute for the big questions, a sense of spirituality and self-discovery, is as blunt as a mallet to the head, as subtle as an odourless death gas and insidious as a mutating flu.
adapting and growing in virulence and diversity, feeding on sources that have endless stores for nourishment , vanity, envy and greed.
consumerism has us by the balls and ovaries and is leading us down a dark path which leads to a place where only those who can rely on instinct will survive...

hey, i listen to heavy metal music.

nice one duff.. one thing for sure, we cant go on like this forever. something gonna give big time...

Anonymous said...

wile i definitely disagree with the perpepuation of corporate america, i struggle to find an acceptable answer to the problem. Every known form of government has been tried throughout history and all have self destructed, leading me to think, that no matter what guise leadership veils itself in, humanity is pre destined to fuck it up one way or the other. the promised land of utopia is unfortunately an imagimagary ideaology that it seems we are destined never to reach. The old proverb stating the path to hell is paved with good intentions seems incredibly pertinent throughout the development of all civilization( i use that term loosely) and it seems it is eventually won over by absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Karena said...

Yes Duff,

The corrupt wealthy find ever more diabolical ways to exploit the poor. When the cancer causing properties of ciggies made advertising illegal in Western countries, the markets of developing countries were flooded. When child protection made it more difficult for sexual predators, they took to sexpat tours of Thailand, The Philippines, Myanmar and god knows where else.

The financial dealings between wealthy and poorer nations are more insidious. Often the worst aberrations of justice are carried on publicly under the guise of assistance as though there was no rape and pillage of capital resources being carried out.

Countries like Sub Saharan Africa, and Central America agree to lift trade restrictions, join the world market and take out loans. They are fooled into creating cash crops to export and have to import primary goods that they could otherwise have made. When the fickle Western markets can get the crop more cheaply elsewhere, they find themselves out of the market and in debt.

The debt paves the way for the scavengers to enter the country and exact whatever collateral they had their eye on in the first place.

In our own country we have hedge funds and other scams robbing the average ignorant investor. I'm sure there are winners in this latest financial crisis. The wealthy can always turn a buck out of the misery of others.

The Rhodian said...

Am I mad because I "refuse to consume" just because others do. I think I will die before I drive a car, for example.